Disney's ABC: Jennings U.F.O. special. WHY???
(too old to reply)
2005-02-26 07:31:08 UTC
On Sat, 26 Feb 2005 00:12:45 -0700, "Cosmic Dawg, Legally Blond"
The usual UFO drivel with nothing stubstancial at all. No surprise here...
Everyone I know who saw the program can't figure out why they put it on the
air. 85% of the people in the USA already know extraterrestrials exist and
No, they *believe* et's exist.
Just like we all believe that George Bush is the President of the United
Since none have ever visited here nor
been otherwise found no one "knows" they exist.
Sure they do, The aliens gave the US government an extraterrestrial saucer
in 1973, which has since then been commandeered by powerful corporations in
league with George Bush and Carlyle: Microsoft, Lockheed, IBM and Bechtel,
put the saucer under lock and key and refuse to allow anyone the legitimate
US government access to it. Microsoft, IBM & Lockheed have made
trillions of dollars from the theft of property which rightfully belongs to
the people of the USA. All modern computer technology, including silicon
chips and fiber optics were gleaned from extraterrestrial technology and
secretly given to these corporations for personal profit. This fact alone
could put Bill Gates in prison for the rest of his life for fraud and theft
of US government property.
half of the population already is sure they've already visited earth.
Half the population thinks Saddam did in the WTC. So much for any
value to what "half the population" thinks.
Half the population also knows that Dick Cheney, George Bush and the
corporations mentioned above attacked their own country to in order to give
themselves Department of Defense contracts. And most of those pe4ople are
within the US intelligence community who have access to the proper channels
in order to provide all the evidence3 needed to prosecute criminals for
treason against the USA and the innocent American who've been kept in the
dark about the truth of the corporate corruption of their county and
government who makes themselves rich by the deaths of their boys in the
of the US population correctly think the US government is hiding an
extraterrestrial saucer at Groom Lake (which they are).
How about some evidence for that completely unsupportable statement.
Do you believe George Bush is telling the truth? If not, then why is no one
allowed access to Groom Lake except defense contractors chosen by Bush?
So it's not like
the program was trying to convince the already convinced.
A friend of mine pointed out that all the program kept saying was 'lights in
the sky' over and over again like a meme -- repeating if you see lights
ignore them. That made us figure that Lockheed has decided to start using
their holographic imaging in the US skies to make people see things that are
not there in order to frighten them into obeying the illegal and criminal US
government. Bush has already used holographic sky imaging to psyop the
Iraqis for many years.
I guess that's why it was so easy, literally a cakewalk eh, to take
over Iraq.
Many, many more innocents will die if someone does not stop the corporations
listed above, and Bush with his fanatically insane religious zealots who are
sacrificing lives in the name of Jesus.
2005-02-26 08:03:55 UTC
On Sat, 26 Feb 2005 00:12:45 -0700, "Cosmic Dawg, Legally Blond"
The usual UFO drivel with nothing stubstancial at all. No surprise here...
Everyone I know who saw the program can't figure out why they put it on the
air. 85% of the people in the USA already know extraterrestrials exist and
No, they *believe* et's exist.
Just like we all believe that George Bush is the President of the United
Since none have ever visited here nor
been otherwise found no one "knows" they exist.
Sure they do, The aliens gave the US government an extraterrestrial saucer
in 1973, which has since then been commandeered by powerful corporations in
league with George Bush and Carlyle: Microsoft, Lockheed, IBM and Bechtel,
put the saucer under lock and key and refuse to allow anyone in the
legitimate US government access to it. Microsoft, IBM & Lockheed have made
trillions of dollars from the theft of property which rightfully belongs to
the people of the USA. All modern computer technology, including silicon
chips and fiber optics were gleaned from extraterrestrial technology and
secretly given to these corporations for personal profit. This fact alone
could put Bill Gates in prison for the rest of his life for fraud and theft
of US government property. And it makes Microsoft highly motivat4ed to
support the UFO cover up by funding the ridiculous SETI program, and why it
was given so much coverage on Jenning's UFO show.
half of the population already is sure they've already visited earth.
Half the population thinks Saddam did in the WTC. So much for any
value to what "half the population" thinks.
Half the population also knows that Dick Cheney, George Bush and the
corporations mentioned above attacked their own country to in order to give
themselves trillions of dollars worth of Department of Defense contracts.
There's no denying those corporations have profited by the war in Iraq and
Afghanistan, as that is a matter of public record.

And most of the people within the US intelligence community who have access
to the proper channels have access to alll the evidence needed to prosecute
these corporate and political criminals for treason against the USA and the
innocent American public who've been kept in the dark about the truth of the
corporate corruption of their government who makes themselves rich by
stealing taxpayer money and requiring them to safcrifice their children to
the military wars for defense contractor profit which has destroyed world
peace, made the USA hated in the world and jeopardixzed the safety of all
American citizens. These crimes are the worst assault the world has ever
suffeered at the hands of corporations who are so paranoid the world will
realise their true crimes, they are willing to kill to keep their crimes a
of the US population correctly think the US government is hiding an
extraterrestrial saucer at Groom Lake (which they are).
How about some evidence for that completely unsupportable statement.
Do you believe George Bush is telling the truth? If not, then why is no one
allowed access to Groom Lake except defense contractors chosen by Bush?
So it's not like
the program was trying to convince the already convinced.
A friend of mine pointed out that all the program kept saying was 'lights in
the sky' over and over again like a meme -- repeating if you see lights
ignore them. That made us figure that Lockheed has decided to start using
their holographic imaging in the US skies to make people see things that are
not there in order to frighten them into obeying the illegal and criminal US
government. Bush has already used holographic sky imaging to psyop the
Iraqis for many years.
I guess that's why it was so easy, literally a cakewalk eh, to take
over Iraq.
Many, many more innocents will die if someone does not stop the corporations
listed above, and Bush with his fanatically insane religious zealots who
requiring American sons and daughters to be slaughteres in senseless wars in
the name of Jesus and corporate profits.
2005-02-26 16:13:18 UTC
Ever fear that they are coming to take you away?
2005-02-27 00:09:25 UTC
Post by Snudle
Ever fear that they are coming to take you away?
The US government is run by criminals who are rewriting everything from a
criminal mind set. They will be incarcerating or killing anyone who is not
a criminal and of sound mind -- the criminal government is running
everything backwards.

good is evil
evil is good
right is wrong
wrong is right
lies are good
truth is bad

and so on and so forth, twisting everything into a perverted mass of
corruption and satanic worship.
2005-02-27 00:23:23 UTC
Post by Snudle
Ever fear that they are coming to take you away?
The US government is run by criminals who are rewriting everything from a
criminal mind set. They will be incarcerating or killing anyone who is not
a criminal and of sound mind -- the criminal government is running
everything backwards.

good is evil
evil is good
right is wrong
wrong is right
lies are good
truth is bad

and so on and so forth, twisting everything into a perverted mass of
corruption and satanic worship under the guise of a 'democracy' of fixed
elections, disdain for human rights, gross profiteering, enslavement,
torture, persecution and the corruption of any values anyone has.

There is only one rule in the USgovernment and that is their plan to control
everyone's soul, mind and heart replacing themselves as the gods of earth
with retarded living robots who believe them.
2005-02-27 00:37:16 UTC
Post by fresh
Post by Snudle
Ever fear that they are coming to take you away?
The US government is run by criminals who are rewriting everything from a
criminal mind set. They will be incarcerating or killing anyone who is not
a criminal and of sound mind -- the criminal government is running
everything backwards.
good is evil
evil is good
right is wrong
wrong is right
lies are good
truth is bad
and so on and so forth, twisting everything into a perverted mass of
corruption and satanic worship under the guise of a 'democracy' of fixed
elections, disdain for human rights, gross profiteering, enslavement,
torture, persecution and the corruption of any values anyone has.
There is only one rule in the USgovernment and that is their plan to control
everyone's soul, mind and heart replacing themselves as the gods of earth
with retarded living robots who believe them.
Read Aldous Huxley's _Brave New World_



This is a 1932 glimpse of the future, which has all come to pass.

Huxley knew.
Art Deco
2005-02-27 04:24:33 UTC
Post by fresh
Post by Snudle
Ever fear that they are coming to take you away?
The US government is run by criminals who are rewriting everything from a
criminal mind set. They will be incarcerating or killing anyone who is not
a criminal and of sound mind -- the criminal government is running
everything backwards.
good is evil
evil is good
right is wrong
wrong is right
lies are good
truth is bad
and so on and so forth, twisting everything into a perverted mass of
corruption and satanic worship under the guise of a 'democracy' of fixed
elections, disdain for human rights, gross profiteering, enslavement,
torture, persecution and the corruption of any values anyone has.
There is only one rule in the USgovernment and that is their plan to control
everyone's soul, mind and heart replacing themselves as the gods of earth
with retarded living robots who believe them.
Official Associate AFA-B Vote Rustler

"a photon can travel faster than light when it is not excited"
"Ions are attracted to IRON"
"The dense ions in the ionosphere are simulating a
much higher gravitational pull to earth."
-- Alexa Cameron demonstrates her 200+ alien-implanted IQ

"I really don't care too much for humans"
"Just think of all the fun watching them from above while they
dance their kooker-step on their burning planet ..."
-- Chuckweasel Bohnehead's delusional non-human self-image
2005-02-26 12:15:56 UTC
The Bush Family: A Continuing Criminal Enterprise?
Gary W. Potter, PhD.
Professor, Criminal Justice
Eastern Kentucky University

The S&Ls, the Mob and the Bushs

During the 1980's hundred of Savings and Loan Banks failed. Those bank
failures cost U.S. taxpayers over $500 billion to cover federally insured
losses, and much more to investigate the bank failures (Pizzo, Fricker, and
Muolo, 1989; Brewton, 1992; Johnston, 1990). More than 75% of the Savings
and Loan insolvencies where directly linked to serious and often criminal
misconduct by senior financial insiders (Pizzo, Fricker and Muolo, 1989:
305). In fact, less than 10 percent of bank failures are related to economic
conditions, the rest are caused by mismanagement or criminal conduct (Pizzo,
Fricker and Muolo, 1989: 305).

A good example of the Savings and Loan failures can be found in the
activities of Mario Renda, a Savings and Loan insider who often worked in
close collaboration with organized crime (Pizzo, Fricker and Muolo, 1989:
123-126;302). Renda served as a middle man in arranging about $5 billion a
year in deposits into 130 Savings and Loans, all of which failed (Kwitny,
1992: 27). Many of these deposits were made contingent on an agreement that
the Savings and Loan involved would lend money to borrowers recommended by
Renda, many of whom were organized crime figures or people entirely unknown
to the banking institution involved (Kwitny, 1992: 27).

Equally good examples of financial misconduct in the Savings and Loan
scandal is found in the activities of the Bush family. In some cases Bush
family members helped skim Savings and Loan funds which were delivered to
outsiders as a part of deals involving lucrative payoffs to bank directors.
In other cases, members of the Bush family intervened to influence decisions
involving highly speculative and unsound investments involving loans that
would not be repaid if the venture was not profitable. And finally, the Bush
family’s political connection served to protect those guilty of misconduct
in the Savings and Loan scandal (Kwitny, 1992: 24).


2005-02-28 18:30:12 UTC
On Sat, 26 Feb 2005 07:31:08 GMT, fresh <***@squawk.ppp>
Post by fresh
All modern computer technology, including silicon
chips and fiber optics were gleaned from extraterrestrial technology and
secretly given to these corporations for personal profit. This fact alone
could put Bill Gates in prison for the rest of his life for fraud and theft
of US government property.
Since Microsoft doesn't manufacture hardware, how do you figure this?
They don't make silicon chips or fibre optics, so they haven't stolen
anything. (Also, the tech you mention was already in development prior
to 1973. What spaceship were they using in the 1960s?)
Evolution doesn't take prisoners:Lizard
"I've heard of this thing men call 'empathy', but I've never
once been afflicted with it, thanks the Gods." Bruno The Bandit
